Thursday 24 February 2011

Walking by the river today I came across this very dirty, scruffy unkempt boat which looked as though it had never left its mooring for years, very sad. That is probably why the seagulls have comandeered it as their favourite perch to watch the world go by, nobody bothers them. They perch on the top and do their business and when they want to move to the lower level they don't fly down, they slide down the windows, hence the streaks that you can see. Very funny to watch, they don't seem to notice that they are sliding in their own excrement!! Look at the shambles on the other side of the river, this particular spot is definitely not in keeping with posh Christchurch. 

1 comment:

Tina said...

I thought you were joking about the sliding! I laughed out loud! I want to see them doing this!

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