Wednesday, 2 February 2011

Winter Cleaning

I've had this little lady scudding around the house most of today, crashing and banging and fiddling about, most distressing, makes me nervous. She's sorted out most of the house and is now in the throes of re hashing the front room - again. I feel a headache coming on!!


Ruth Wearing said...

Who is this poor woman, obviously she needs to be sent on a pamper weekend, needs work on her wrinkles, and her hair sorted etc. could be a little costly ?!

Tina said...

I fully understand the need to sort stuff! I can imagine Mum scudding! x

Ruth Wearing said...

Tina says this photo should be replaced, its too upsetting, its got me thinking, if you dont replace it I may have to seek a candid of you! Could be very distressing? !

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