Saturday 31 December 2011

Hope for the Future

The last day of 2011. After yesterday's gloomy picture and thoughts, this one, taken on the walk between Christchurch and Hengistbury Head, is brighter and, to me, symbolically filled with promise that things may well turn for the better. We should step out into the New Year with expectancy and determination.

Friday 30 December 2011

Weather Woes!

It was very overcast, cloudy, gloomy, wet and decidedly miserable today, enough to make people a bit moody and depressed, sounds like a description of the year we have just had, certainly in economic terms!

Thursday 29 December 2011

Marvellous Nature

I had seen Tina's web photograph on her blog and thought it was excellent. Now I have had the chance to do one myself in my back garden. It's amazing when you see the intricate detail and realise how tirelessly the spider must work. I suppose he has to really, he doesn't get to eat if he has nothing to catch his supper.

Wednesday 28 December 2011

Marjorie's Story

David's neighbours keep chickens, one of them, Marjorie, is a naughty chicken, she had developed a serious hatred of another of her kind and constantly pecked it and pulled its feathers out. So, Marjorie was sentenced to solitary confinement but was given the run of next door's courtyard. Unfortunately, everyone had forgotten that chickens can fly a bit and, again unfortunately, it was David who discovered, when he awoke, that Marjorie was sitting on his fence. He was a "bit concerned". Anyway, no harm done, the owners caught her, removed her privileges and incarcerated her in a disused rabbit hutch with two five a side goals for added protection. We await the outcome of this unusual case with interest!!

Tuesday 27 December 2011

Family Party Imminent

Sue and Ruth were involved with early morning food preparation. Sue was not happy being photographed as she had just got up and hadn't had time to do whatever girls do first thing. David, on the other hand, has obviously got his priorities right. The centre picture gives a nice view of the main room in David's home.

Monday 26 December 2011

Christmas Reflections

David's modern style Christmas tree, with the presents around it, was decorated with bright clear lights. These lights were reflected in the glass of the door and appear to be decorating the fir tree by the fence, suggesting a more traditional Christmas arrangement.

Sunday 25 December 2011

Ready for Action

This is Barry, formerly of the Army Catering Corps, now of Cranleigh Community Church. He organises the catering for all the church functions with the exception of Hotpots which is still Ruth's domain. This picture was taken on Christmas Day when our church was involved in providing Christmas dinner and entertainment for more than 50 people, lonely, homeless, aged, etc. who, otherwise, would have very little.

Saturday 24 December 2011

Nobody wants us!!

Christmas Eve, nearly closing time, I got quite sad seeing these very forlorn unwanted trees, they have no future, if they were featured in "Toy Story" there might be a happy ending!!!

Friday 23 December 2011

Christmas is Coming!

It was a horrible day today weatherwise but people didn't care, they were all in here with their kids panic buying for Christmas. I liked all these Robins, they made quite a nice display. I'm not so sure about the Toucan on the top, he definitely looks lost!

Thursday 22 December 2011

Buried Treasure!

Nice bit of late afternoon sunshine. It's the first time I've seen people with metal detectors on the beach for some considerable time. I don't recall anyone finding anything of note on the beach, and judging by the lack of excitement here, that's not going to change any time soon!

Wednesday 21 December 2011

Our Feathered Friends

I know they are Mallards but this is a swampy area so they must also be Swamp Ducks. I remember in Coronation Street many years ago ( I don't watch it now) Jack Duckworth calling wife Vera "my little swampduck" as a term of endearment!! Just thought you would like to know this.

Tuesday 20 December 2011

Wide Eyed & Fancy Free!

Couldn't resist this little guy, he had his eyes fixed on me for some time. In case you think he was not well covered against the cold weather, he was inside a warm building.

Monday 19 December 2011

The Kitchen

I remembered that I hadn't sent you a picture of our finished kitchen,
so we have just had a clear up and here is one view.

Sunday 18 December 2011

Whoops a Daisy!

We have had our Housegroup to Sunday lunch today, 15 of us altogether. Gill's party piece is to do a very convincing fake trip. None of our friends had seen this so we got her to do it whilst carrying in a Pavlova, very realistic, much alarm and concern by all!!

Saturday 17 December 2011

Function Promotion

Our church leaders have decided to offer a full package for events such as weddings, anniversaries, birthdays, etc. I was asked to provide photographs of general layouts and close up detail for use in promotional material. This is one showing a layout in our church main hall.

Friday 16 December 2011

Local Landscape

This is a view from the top of St Catherine's Hill near Christchurch. It looks really nice in the Summer and in the Autumn when the leaves turn.

Thursday 15 December 2011

Playing for his supper

This bloke suddenly turned up with his bike, bags and two dogs. I like the way he has put a blanket over the dogs to keep them warm. He was very scruffy but I don't think he was a down and out because the dogs look well fed and he's got a decent bike. He was very very good with that instrument so maybe he made good money from passers by.

Wednesday 14 December 2011

Bargain Hunting?

I originally thought the lady was old as I lined up my camera, she turned just as I pressed the shutter button, she was quite young and she didn't look happy.

Tuesday 13 December 2011


Not a lot of people were being tempted even though it was extremely cold, the weather, that is!

Monday 12 December 2011

Alfresco Studio

Looks like the sort of mess you imagine in an artist's garrett studio, good things do come from messy beginnings though.

Sunday 11 December 2011

Another Shopfront

I have photographed this particular shop more than once, the first time in Black & White, I have a large framed print of that first one on the wall above my desk. I have also photographed "The Body Shop" branch in Hong Kong.

Saturday 10 December 2011


I mentioned in an earlier blog that I do like to photograph shopfronts. I thought I would add this one to my collection, I've never heard of "Menkind", funny name!

Friday 9 December 2011

Like a Goldfish Bowl

I always photograph this place when I'm in the area, I like it best when there are people at the tables inside near the windows. I had to be content with photographing the guy photographing the girls. The best picture I ever got of this was years ago in the days of Black & White film.

Thursday 8 December 2011

Food Again

More people stuffing their faces.

Wednesday 7 December 2011


I can't help wondering how long it takes the gravy to soak through the box and make rather a nasty mess of things!

Tuesday 6 December 2011

Window Shopping?

The kid in the pushchair is not at all interested! still, nor would I be at his age.

Monday 5 December 2011

Ancient & Modern

If the people dressed in period costume and the guy on the right legged it with his busking gear this scene could take on quite a medieval look.

Sunday 4 December 2011

Saturday 3 December 2011

Food on the hoof

The woman on the left looks quite concerned about what is happening with the hotdog or whatever it is. Is it a bet to see how much she can get in her mouth in one go! The rubbish bin appears to be swallowing the lower sign board.

Friday 2 December 2011


There is a lot of information in this picture. Recycling Station is a grand name for two bins, I like the ice cream thing on the left, the woman looks a bit wistful and maybe fancies an icecream but it's too cold so she has a hot drink instead. The cafe window, same price no matter what beverage, Coca Cola Zero, what's the Zero bit, never heard of that. The girl all wrapped up, gaudy leggings and a Polar Bear hat. The bloke's daydreaming, they haven't put the bags down so they'll be off soon. I wonder what's behind the blind in the window on the right!

Thursday 1 December 2011

Roaring Trade

I watched that couple towards the right for some time, fascinated by their obvious love of Bang On Burgers!

Wednesday 30 November 2011

Cold Busker

This bloke was really rather good, not a lot of people agreed with me judging by the lack of cash in his box. This is the UK, I thought the Levi's headquarters was in the good old US of A. I wonder if he's wearing Levi's!

Tuesday 29 November 2011

Christmas Decorations

I know we are experiencing economic problems but that Christmas tree is rather pathetic to say the least!

Monday 28 November 2011

Rest Awhile

It must be nice to take the weight off your feet but those seats must be cold and hard, they didn't stay there long!

Sunday 27 November 2011


Something must be happening on the right to attract their attention, I missed it so I'll have to leave you in suspense!

Saturday 26 November 2011


I photographed this girl two years ago, same place, same hat, scarf, jacket and waistcoat, same pen in the pocket and she didn't look any older. the only difference is that she has a blonde streak in her hair which she didn't have last time. She is very clever with card tricks.

Friday 25 November 2011

Keep in Touch

This guy was there for ages, he started that cornish pasty a long time ago, it was probably hot when he started, it isn't now!

Thursday 24 November 2011

The Outing

The owners of our Favourite Restaurant, "The Crooked Beam" organise a coach trip to the Christmas market in Bath each year so we decided to go this time. We met at the restaurant at 9.00am for breakfast, then on to the coach at 10.00 arriving in Bath at Mid day. The picture shows us starting off, Ruth on the left, Gill on the right. The whole afternoon, until 5.00pm, was spent shopping, then the return trip, arriving at the restaurant at 7.00pm for a great evening meal, super day!!

Wednesday 23 November 2011

Pretty Plumage

Her hair reminds me of the plumage of an exotic parrot. I was curious about the face studs, I can understand how the ones through her eyebrow and the top of her nose are fixed but what about the ones in her cheek, what stops them falling out? Nice girl though, working for Oxfam.

Tuesday 22 November 2011

Red for Danger

It was the red trousers that caught my eye, not what's in them, honest!

Monday 21 November 2011

Very Fast Food

She was shovelling food into his mouth and he was letting her, love is and all that!!

Sunday 20 November 2011

Anyone for Wurst!

It smelled good but I wasn't hungry so I didn't have any.

Saturday 19 November 2011


Can't see any other students around so I don't know where she came from.

Friday 18 November 2011


Kids everywhere will improvise, the surface wasn't smooth so they aren't moving fast but it can't be doing their clothes any favours

Thursday 17 November 2011

Walking the Dogs?

"He's always on the phone, we're depressed"

Wednesday 16 November 2011


I like this, striding purposefully, talking, not interested in the dresses and they are in step, must be my military mind!!

Tuesday 15 November 2011

Family Ride

This reminds me of the Far East where you see a family of 4 (or more) on one small motorcycle, only this time they are on a scooter. I wonder if the balloons are an attempt to reduce the weight effect!

Monday 14 November 2011

Love Is

I wonder what she is looking for up his sleeve, or maybe she is just warming her hands!

Sunday 13 November 2011

Pretty Woman

Walking down the street, it was the shoes I spotted first, pink with pom poms, almost like slippers. Then I noticed she was pretty and stylish.

Saturday 12 November 2011

Happy Families

Our neighbours asked me to take photographs of their family get together in one of the function rooms of the Captain's Club Hotel because it was the first time everyone would be together, 33 in all. I particularly like this picture of part of the group because it's happy and not posed.