Friday 30 September 2011

Fine Dining

This is the entrance hall of Walworth Castle Hotel. It is a Grade 1 listed building completed around 1600. It has been the home of various families through the years. My Mum started her working life here as a member of the "downstairs" staff when she was 14 years old. It gave me quite a touch of nostalgia when I thought of her being here as a young girl.
Auntie Marie treated us to lunch here and wanted to have her picture taken sitting in that chair, one of a pair. I don't know how old they are.

Thursday 29 September 2011

Home Sweet Home

We have just had coffee with Auntie Marie in her house. Now we are leaving to go out for lunch, her treat. We have Connie & Steve with us, Steve is driving because he knows the area.

Wednesday 28 September 2011

Market Day

The centre of Darlington with it's dominant clock tower. That black cloud has been there all the time we have been here but it's never actually rained.

Tuesday 27 September 2011

The Little Pub!

It looks like the owners of the little pub have dug their heels in against the obvious development of the area. Finding your way across from this side doesn't look easy until you notice the underpass.

Monday 26 September 2011

Strictly, I don't think so!

She's either enjoying it or I've just trodden on her foot!!

Sunday 25 September 2011

The Family Northern Branch

Five of the original eleven Rutherford girls are still with us. Emily, 97 and young at heart, couldn't make the trip but the other 4 are here Isabel 93, Mary 87 and the baby of the family, Marie 90 and Mildred 88. In the back row, my cousins, Arnold, David and Trevor.

Saturday 24 September 2011

Grand Old Lady

Here she is looking so well and sharp as a razor, one of the fabulous, long lived Rutherford sisters. She only came home from a cruise two weeks ago and to think she has to travel to and from Southampton, not like us who live so near the port.

Friday 23 September 2011

Party Venue

I've just done a recce to find the Freemason's Hall to make sure it is within walking distance of the hotel, it is but it looks a bit grim in scruffy surroundings, doesn't it!!

Thursday 22 September 2011

Northern Panorama

This is the view from our room in the King's Hotel Darlington. At least the hotel was in the town centre so Ruth could walk to Marks & Spencer!!

Wednesday 21 September 2011

A Peaceful Place

It is very peaceful and emotional when you think deeply about the reason why it is here. There is a gap, which you can just see, which is designed to allow the sun's ray to shine through and illuminate the centre of the memorial at 11.00 on 11th November each year.

Tuesday 20 September 2011

A Moving Experience

Malcolm lives very near the National Memorial Arboretum. I have never been there before so it was good to have the chance on this occasion. The lady in the centre, in the black coat, is the Duchess of Gloucester. Members of the Royal Family often visit because many of them are Colonels in Chief of various regiments etc.

Monday 19 September 2011

Family Connection

We have arrived at Malcolm's house in Ashby de la Zouche where we will be staying for two nights.

Sunday 18 September 2011

Sheer luxury - NOT

We set out on our epic expedition up North to Darlington for Auntie Marie's 90th birthday. We planned to stop at different places on the way. This is the first, a travelodge in Buckingham. Unfortunately it is also open to truckers and, judging by the state of the bed, I reckon they have all slept in it. At £19 for the night I suppose we can't complain, at least we didn't have to actually share it with the truckers, it might have been even cheaper if we had though.

Saturday 17 September 2011

The Girls

Ruth at the wedding with friends. From the left, another Ruth, Judy, Gill and Mo.

Friday 16 September 2011

Boy Outnumbered

We went to the wedding of a church friend of ours, Phyllis. These girls are her nieces, all nine of them, Phyllis was thinking in terms of choosing a couple of them but they all wanted to be bridesmaids and this is the result plus one nephew. I really like this photograph.

Thursday 15 September 2011


Some people were out walking, or rather, pushing this Black Labrador Pup. I just had to get a close up, those big appealing eyes, beautiful. I think, actually, that he looks a little worried!

Wednesday 14 September 2011

Local Facilities

I don't ever see many kids or adults using the crazy golf equipment. The cafe is popular though and is open all year. they sell some nice food and New Forest Icecream!

Tuesday 13 September 2011

Family outing?

Looks like the bloke in the yellow shirt is going to take a dive over the side. He didn't but it might have been a "You've Been Framed" moment and I didn't have a video camera, so it was just as well really!!

Monday 12 September 2011

People Watching

I don't know whether she's telling him something or he's asleep. They can't have walked far, they're too clean, look at their boots and socks.

Sunday 11 September 2011

Waiting for a job

This is parked near the boat repair sheds near Tuckton Bridge. I don't know what it's used for, I've never seen it in action. I'll have to check on it again one day!

Saturday 10 September 2011

Any Offers?

I like the "For Sail" notice, bit pathetic though, I suppose.

Friday 9 September 2011


They closed this road some time ago for alterations because there had been complaints about youngsters speeding past the local school. Apparently they will be putting in some form of road calming but I haven't seen any evidence of anything substantial happening!

Thursday 8 September 2011

River Transport

I got a bit bereft of ideas for a blog picture today. So, I went down to the river, not a lot going on, but I was desperate!

Wednesday 7 September 2011

The Neighbours

The lady across the road recently moved from London. two days after she arrived the builders moved in. She is going to gut the place and we will have to get used to the all the extra cars, trucks and white vans which will, no doubt, clutter up our nice quiet avenue!

Tuesday 6 September 2011

What an improvement

I mentioned in an earlier post that we were replacing the garage door, well, this is it and what a difference it has made. We have had a major clear out and it really is like a utility room especially as we have moved the washing machine out there from the kitchen. Ruth was really fed up having to lift and lower the old door.

Monday 5 September 2011

Ladies Craft Circle

Ruth has regular craft sessions, mainly scrapbooking. I usually have the job of carrying their equipment in and then carrying it out at the end. I get a good lunch though!

Sunday 4 September 2011

Visitor from Amersham

Mike and Christine came to visit us. Mike likes a walk so we went over Hengistbury head. On the way back Mike kept stopping to stuff himself with blackberries.

Saturday 3 September 2011

More progress

The island unit in position in the kitchen, getting it from the conservatory to the kitchen gave us an interesting logistical problem but it was worth all the effort.

Friday 2 September 2011

A Bit Tidier

The conservatory did well as an assembly room. On the right is the unit which will be the island in the centre of the kitchen, very expensive and very heavy.

Thursday 1 September 2011

Ban Vinyl

This is the first time we have ever had a tiled room. Choosing the tiles was "fun" but I think we got a perfect colour and design which will blend perfectly with the rest of the decor.