Sunday 31 July 2011

Post Wedding Brunch

Brunch at Tina's on Sunday, the day after the wedding. A nice relaxed time with lots of friends and relatives dropping in. Even Neil and Emma put in an appearance, which was nice, they couldn't keep away from the fun, of course. I was very impressed with the portable grills being used for cooking, very efficient.

Saturday 30 July 2011

Neil & Emma's Day

You will have seen lots of photographs of the couple, relatives and friends but maybe not too many like this one. I thought it was a special moment in the service.

Friday 29 July 2011

The Host

This was the night before the wedding of the year, David was preparing a bit of supper for us weary travellers

Thursday 28 July 2011


This group of singers is called La Nova, they put on concerts for a lot of different organisations and events. This time it was a fundraising event in aid of Samaritan's Purse. We heard them last year and they were very good then but, this year, they were supurb. They have a very wide ranging repertoire ranging from classical, songs from the musicals to modern and popular. The whole of the first half this time was devoted to Tha Requiem, beautifully done and very moving. This photograph was taken with my iPhone which just goes to show that if you want a quality result take a camera not a phone!!

Wednesday 27 July 2011

African Colour

We do have a Congolese family attending our church, they came from Lubumbashi where we were based when we went out there. They came looking for a church and bumped into Keith and Senga who were missionaries in Congo for 15 years and speak fluent Swahili and French, amazing how the Lord leads, needless to say, they didn't look any further for a church. The family shown here are also Congolese but now live in Liverpool. They are friends of our family and were just visiting.

Tuesday 26 July 2011

More Flowers

These Dahlias and some other flowers make a beautiful display in the large tub that was our original water feature but is now situated just outside the conservatory.

Monday 25 July 2011

Garden Design

We've done quite a lot of work in our garden this year, Ruth decided that she would put things in this little area under the pergola, where our bench seat used to be, in memory of Grandma. The bird bath and the Azalea were in the garden outside Grandma's flat where she could see them. The green leaved Acer tree in the black pot is there because Grandma bought it for us. Ruth added the Rose to give a bit of colour.

Sunday 24 July 2011

Special Greeting

We had to get Ernalyn back by 3pm because she was due on duty at 3.30pm. When we arrived at the terminal we were met by Noddy as you can see. Apparently there are 300 kids on this cruise, glad we aren't on it, feel sorry for Ernalyn and the crew though, it's definitely not a fun time for them!

Saturday 23 July 2011

Popular Shop

All the various ship's crew members probably know Southanpton better than we do. This little shopping centre is a favourite, lots of cheap things. They all head for Savers to buy their toiletries etc. Ruth and Ernalyn are inside, I am still waiting!!

Friday 22 July 2011

Waiting for Ernalyn

We were in Southampton to see Ernalyn, we didn't go aboard Oriana this time because she had quite a bit of time off and wanted to do some shopping, also we promised to take her out for a birthday lunch. We were waiting for her here in British Home Store's upstairs restaurant which is a cavernous place.

Thursday 21 July 2011


Looking across the river at people relaxing on the verandah of the Captain's Club Hotel, it's expensive. We went for afternoon tea once, had a crumpet and toasted teacake each, the crumpet was hard and the teacake must have been around for several weeks, it was so stale. Needless to say we were not impressed and will definitely not go there again.

Wednesday 20 July 2011

Come and Play

This dog was having a great time running around and playing with a lump of wood. Every so often he would come and plead with his master to join in, no luck though. They are very near Bramble's favourite spot.

Tuesday 19 July 2011

River Cruise

Just a shot of an everyday event on the river this time of the year, people messing about in boats. I think it's a woman at the back, no lifejacket and her legs haven't seen much sun.

Monday 18 July 2011

Vegetable Plot

Ruth's beans which she is very proud of, they are part of a range of vegetables growing in pots down the side of the house.

Sunday 17 July 2011

Garden Update

This is the area where we had our tub with the very large Forsythia bush behind it. It was very untidy and dark and the Forsythia was always a problem when it needed cutting so we decided to dig it all out and put a new water feature in with our red acer tree behind it. We are very pleased with the result. I used all the soil to fill the old tub which has now got beautiful flowers in it.

Saturday 16 July 2011

Millionaire's Row

Storm brewing over the multi million pound properties of Sandbanks, apparently the fourth most expensive place to live in the world after Hong Kong, Tokyo and Belgravia.

Friday 15 July 2011

Storm Clouds

Looking across Studland Bay towards the Bournemouth coastline

Thursday 14 July 2011

Floating Traffic

The Sandbanks ferry approaching the Studland side.

Wednesday 13 July 2011

Nice Views

Looking across to Durlston Head and Old Harry Rocks in the distance.

Tuesday 12 July 2011

Well known landmark

The Globe, just south of Durlston Castle is 10 ft in diameter and weighs 40 tons. It was built by John Mowlems Greenwich works and erected in 1887

Monday 11 July 2011

Tilly Whim Caves

These caves are part of an old stone mine situated on Durlston Head in the Isle of Purbeck area. They used to be open to the public, the entrance shown on the left is now blocked off with a locked gate.

Sunday 10 July 2011

Bleak Lighthouse

Anvil Point Lighthouse complex in Durlston Country Park about 2 miles from Swanage town centre. The buildings always look clean and in excellent condition.

Saturday 9 July 2011

Local Information

This is part of the information display inside the Visitor's Centre. We have been to this part of the coast several times but have never seen any Dolphins. You can see by this display that things are a bit dated but the good news is that a new centre will open later this year in the castle, large parts of which are being refurbished at the moment.

Friday 8 July 2011


Ruth sitting just outside the Visitor's Centre of Durlston Country Park which is 260 Acres of nature reserve, part of Dorset's Jurassic Coast.

Thursday 7 July 2011

Smart Accommodation

The Manor House Hotel overlooking Studland Bay on the Isle of Purbeck. We have stopped here several times for meals over the years. It's a bit expensive although they have an offer at the moment, £100 per person for one night which includes a 4 course dinner and full English breakfast which makes it quite good value really.

Wednesday 6 July 2011

Point Rubble

Just a pile of rubble, the sad remains of someone's home and thriving business which was a great favourite of thousands of people enjoying the beaches of Southbourne over many years. We wait now to see what will eventually be built on the site.

Tuesday 5 July 2011

Half Point Cafe

I took this picture on 30 May 11, the day before Tina took a similar one. To see a photograph of the building, complete, but empty, awaiting development, see my blog dated 16 Apr 11.

Monday 4 July 2011

Shades of Eiffel

This extraordinary structure, The Santa Justa Lift, one of Lisbon's best loved landmarks was built between 1900 - 1902 by the Portuguese born French architect, Raul Mesnier de Ponsard to connect downtown to Bairro Alto, the lowest and highest points of the city. He was an apprentice of Gustave Eiffel which explains the similarities to the Eiffel Tower. Originally powered by steam, now electricity, it is 147ft high. The top of the tower, reached via a spiral staircase, has a cafe with splendid views of the city.

Sunday 3 July 2011

Taking a Rest

Ruth  having a much needed rest on the steps of Dom Jose's statue, quite a nice picture of her.

Saturday 2 July 2011

A Bit of History

This square is called Praca Do Comercio (Trade Square), it is a very large open space and is home to the monument in honour of Dom Jose, the King of Portugal at the time of the 1755 earthquake which devastated the city of Lisbon. He's the green chap sitting on the green horse!

Friday 1 July 2011

Street Decoration

I don't remember ever seeing Jacaranda trees before. This was one of many overlooking one of the squares in the centre of Lisbon. We were a little early in the year, the blossom gets much thicker later and must make a superb show.