Tuesday 31 May 2011


The Toulon Opera House, innaugurated in 1862, is the second-largest opera house in France, after the Palais Garnier in Paris, and is a national historic monument of France. A typical French cafe is making the most of the plaza space in front.

Monday 30 May 2011


I was hurrying to catch Ruth up and spotted this. "Why do you want to take a photograph of that ", she said, "That won't be any good". I didn't explain to her that the mannequin was modelling a bikini that was only suitable for a girl with either very hunched shoulders or an extremely small head. Don't even think about the hat!!!

Sunday 29 May 2011

Toulon Waterfront

The statue with outstretched arm is called "The Genius of Navigation"

Saturday 28 May 2011


Coffee time on the Cote d'Azure. very nice and relaxing. Just to the left, on the beach, was a group of elderly people sun bathing, some of the ladies were topless, not a pretty sight, I decided not to sneak a photograph!

Friday 27 May 2011


We took a landtrain ride around Toulon which was very pleasant. this is an addition to my growing collection of landtrain pictures taken in various cities visited during cruise holidays.

Thursday 26 May 2011

24/7 Maintenance

Not everyone is enjoying themselves on Oriana but the painting must go on!

Wednesday 25 May 2011

Oriana at Sea

Looking over Oriana's stern at the Terrace Pool, this was early in the morning
and quite chilly so nobody about much, it's a case of spot the people.

Tuesday 24 May 2011


At the top end of La Rambla is the Placa De Catalunya where I spotted these two,
a double Karen lookalike!

Monday 23 May 2011

Popular Transport

Bike hiring is obviously big business in Barcelona with very large groups of tourists bombing about all over the place not knowing where they were going it seemed most of the time. Crossing an open space like a plaza was scary, there was a real risk of being caught in the cross flow and mown down, I think we were considered fair game. At least this little group stopped for a few seconds to watch the dancing.

Sunday 22 May 2011

Patriotic Dance

There were several groups like this one performing the patriotic dance called "The Sardana", It is always danced on Sundays in the plaza in front of the cathedral with music provided by sizeable bands sitting on the cathedral steps. I think the dancers and musicians just form groups ad lib on the day but watching and listening left no doubt that they were all experienced and regular attenders, note the dance pumps the ladies are wearing. I chose this group because I had a clear view and I liked the shadows.

Saturday 21 May 2011

Wedding Day

This traditional Spanish wedding was one of four we encountered during our travels. It was taking place in a church just off La Rambla, I think we were very fortunate to get this opportunity

Friday 20 May 2011

Human Statues

I have assembled quite a collection of street performers over the years,
including many human statues, I thought this one was quite unique.

Thursday 19 May 2011

Street Artist

I have always been fascinated by street portrait artists, I have taken pictures like this in London and in Australia so I was glad to have a choice here in Barcelona. I particularly like the splash of colour given by the lady in the hat in an otherwise almost monochrome image.

Wednesday 18 May 2011

Market Business

When I took this, I thought it was a stall selling posters, not that I would have bought any, they look a bit scruffy. Now that I've looked at the picture properly, I realise that it is a small Tapas Bar.

Tuesday 17 May 2011

La Rambla

Looking up La Rambla from the port end, so pleased to be here after hearing so much about it. Shops and cafes along both sides of the street and a central pedestrianised tree lined avenue with market stalls, artists and human statues in abundance.

Monday 16 May 2011

The Port of Barcelona

Once we were off Oriana we started to walk towards La Rambla, the most famous street in Barcelona. we passed the port building, which I thought was most impressive, with black and yellow taxis buzzing round it like busy bees.

Sunday 15 May 2011

The Birthday Girl

The highlight of Ruth's birthday was having the Executive Chef come out to give her a personal greeting. She had the usual singers with the two versions of "Happy Birthday", but this was something else, she revelled in the glory of it.

Saturday 14 May 2011

Entertainment Venue

The Pacific Theatre on Oriana, we had some good evenings in there.

Friday 13 May 2011

Colourful Merchandise

Not much to say about this one, just thought it was pretty with all the colours and styles.

Thursday 12 May 2011

Wednesday 11 May 2011

Pretty Butcher

I thought this was a well organised display, nice and neat, just how I would do it! A few people around, no sign of the butcher though. The little girl in the foreground was having quite a struggle with the case, rapidly moving towards tantrum mode!! Don't know what they were planning to buy to fill such a large case!

Tuesday 10 May 2011

Market shopping

"Can I have some money please, I have the urge to buy something"!

Monday 9 May 2011

Central Valencia

It was quite an overcast day but I thought this was quite a nice view looking back at the cathedral from one of the main shopping areas.

Sunday 8 May 2011

Beautiful Mural

This mural on the wall of the cathedral was made entirely with fresh flowers. Shame about the staging being erected for the festival obscuring some of it. You can get a sense of scale if you look at the guy on the left edge of the staging.

Saturday 7 May 2011

Valencia Espana

Heading into the Plaza De La Reina where the cathedral is the religious centre of Valencia. They were preparing for a festival hence the awning and scaffolding cluttering up the place.

Friday 6 May 2011

Very comfortable!

Ruth working out her busy schedule of activities for the day on board Oriana. I've got her nicely propped up in her bed in our cabin, the kettle is on for her normal morning cup of tea!

Thursday 5 May 2011

Ships that pass in the......

Going through the Bay of Biscay we passed the Aurora, she was heading home to Southampton, their cruise nearly over, I felt quite sorry for them. Look at the smooth sea, I was so glad it was calm.

Wednesday 4 May 2011

Family Likeness?

This bloke was leaning on the rail next to me, he looked just like my brother Peter so I had to get a photograph, it must be the mustache!

Tuesday 3 May 2011

Southampton Sailaway

At last I am starting to catch up with the huge gap in my blog. I know it is not strictly a one a day project any longer but rather than abandon it altogether I will use more pictures from the cruise to make up the discrepancy up to the 30th June, then, from 1st July I will revert to the true one a day system.

I hope you will find the pictures from the cruise interesting anyway, this is the first, I like the dappled sunlight shining on the band as Oriana prepares to sail.

Monday 2 May 2011

Cruise Preparation

Just wanted to remind you that we will be doing a sailaway from Southampton tomorrow, this is my case as I start sorting out things to pack. Never mind, don't cry, we'll all be it doing together again next year for our beloved Arcadia. This is my last blog until I get back, I'll try to select pictures of this cruise carefully so I don't upset you too much!

Sunday 1 May 2011

Hard at Work!!!

The job of these people is to keep Bournemouth gardens and the surrounding area clean and tidy. They work individually in different parts of the gardens but obviously come together for tea breaks. I don't know why they come together,there is absolutely no animation or conversation between them. I get the impression that they are not very enthusiastic about their jobs!