Saturday 30 April 2011

The Big Clean Up

It was a big clean up day in Christchurch, this is the grassy area near the quay which does get quite messy due to the huge number of visitors. These folks were signing up volunteers and issuing sacks etc. I reckon most of the kids are too small to be effective and the bloke in the striped shirt doesn't look very energetic so I don't know how much rubbish will be collected!

Friday 29 April 2011

The Royal Wedding

What an exceptional day, it's so good to be British. I took the picture straight from the TV, the quality is not good but better than others I took which ended up with lines all over them. I think a TV screen is made up of 625 lines, sometimes they don't show, most times they do.

Thursday 28 April 2011

Flower Power

The Montana Clematis growing up the side of our garage looks lovely again this year, it's a prolific flower.

Wednesday 27 April 2011

Quay Furniture

Mudeford Quay has a huge amount of lobster pots and associated paraphernalia stacked in piles. Every time I come to the quay it all looks the same, I can't recall seeing any of this stuff ever being used but it must be, of course,  because of the fish market on the quay.

Tuesday 26 April 2011

Really Fresh Fish

I think you should be able to get a fish or two here. This is Mudeford Quay of course, this business has been around for years and is very popular with the locals and holiday makers.

Monday 25 April 2011

Sights in Saxon Square

Very short story, clockwise from top left - Just about to have some breakfast, I like the wine "glass"! He must be a generous type, he's offering it to somebody, not to me thankfully. Surprise, surprise, nobody accepted his offer and he looks a bit downhearted! Oh well, I'll drink it myself then. Now, it was a very hot day in Christchurch today, he seems a little overdressed to say the least, dig the kilt and footwear, wonderful!

Sunday 24 April 2011

Some Nice Birds!!

Christchurch Quay is always a popular spot for locals as well as visitors, especially when the weather is as nice as today. This Swan has joined a small family group with Christchurch Sailing Club in the background. He seems to have got his beady eye on the kid, I wonder what he's thinking, something like "Got any grub son, and by the way, I don't like that hat"!

Saturday 23 April 2011

Messing about in boats

Lots of people messing about in boats today, lots of people cooking themselves on the beach, lots of people sitting in cars in traffic jams and vast numbers just milling about aimlessly, that's Bournemouth at this temperature record breaking Easter time!! This little group of 6 (4 humans and 2 half humans) were just about to disappear under Tuckton Bridge as I walked across. 

Friday 22 April 2011

Picturesque Christchurch

A really beautiful day again here in Christchurch, it all looks very peaceful, not many people about, I reckon they are all on the beach. Living just round the corner from this scene means I get to photograph it a lot, too much I suppose, I'll have to stop!

Thursday 21 April 2011

Hengistbury Land Train

I'm getting out and about a lot these days with all this wonderful weather. I have taken quite a lot of land train pictures in various countries during visits on recent cruises, I'll have to continue the trend on future cruises. Don't know what happened to the lamp post!

Wednesday 20 April 2011

Kids on the Beach

The light was fading but still strong enough to produce shadows and silhouettes.
I do like the pattern the dog's legs and reflections make.

Tuesday 19 April 2011

Beautiful Bournemouth Beaches

Actually this is at our end, Southbourne, of course. Lovely day today, very warm, it's nice to see a good number of people using the beach. It's very popular during the Summer season hence the lifeguard station, not manned today though. Note the good view of the Polar Bear shape in the chalk of the Isle of Wight in the distance. 

Monday 18 April 2011

Wildlife Story

I was walking back from Hengistbury Head today, saw the pheasant and was preparing to photograph it when a fox wandered out from a group of cows. The cows didn't seem to mind, neither did the pheasant and the fox just calmly went on his way. I think he knew that there was no chance he was going to catch the pheasant in broad daylight, the pheasant knew it too!!

Sunday 17 April 2011

Three Quarters of a Century

What you are seeing is a rendition of "A Happy Birthday to You" on the occasion of my 75th birthday. David is smiling but he is not singing! Didn't detect any reaction from the neighbours, but then they are all old in our road except us of course!! Great fun was had by all throughout the day. Gill put the balloons on the door.

Saturday 16 April 2011

Former Point Cafe

This building was a thriving cafe well loved, not only by locals, but also visitors to Southbourne Beach and Hengistbury Head. Sadly, the owners aged, the cafe closed and was eventually sold to developers. It's been in this state for several years due to protests against proposed development but I hope to record the construction of whatever eventually is built on this site.

Friday 15 April 2011

Welcome Visitors

A lovely pair of "Bournemouth" Gold Finches came to visit us, the first we have seen since putting Nyjer seeds on the menu. I took a quick snapshot through the conservatory window, not one of my best but better than nothing. I called out to them and asked if they would pose for me, one facing me and one facing away, and, bless them, they duly obliged. 

Thursday 14 April 2011

Holiday Mood

Next had this display in their window. I was drawn to it because it suggested holidays
in a warm place such as cruising in the Mediterranean this May!!

Wednesday 13 April 2011

Panic cruise shopping

Very cold and windy at Castlepoint. EMZ got swallowed up in the dark maw of M&S, don't know when I will see her again. The people walking past are younger and obviously have M&S resistance built in. The bloke with the white hat, sitting down, his other half must have got sucked in as well, but he's experienced, he brought a book to while away the endless hours of loneliness!

Tuesday 12 April 2011

Singers in Saxon Square

Some super stalwart supporters in Saxon Square singing sweetly a selection of scintillating songs. (Say that quickly). There were a lot of people around so I hope the group did well, Macmillan is always a worthy cause.

Monday 11 April 2011


American photographer Elliott Erwitt had a good eye for catching the moment, much like Henri Cartier Bresson, and he made many amusing photographs featuring dogs. In fact he wrote a book entitled "To the Dogs", (I have a copy). Sadly my picture is nowhere near being in his league!

Sunday 10 April 2011


At the boat hire area near Tuckton Bridge. All this beautiful weather has caused frantic activity to get the boats ready for business. This girl doesn't look too frantic but she appears to be doing a good job, hope she is being paid well, she might be part of the family that owns the boats of course!

Saturday 9 April 2011

These ducks are not fair game

This little toad was throwing small stones at the ducks and they picked them up thinking they were bits of bread. Then he started chasing them, his mother was sitting on a bench behind me, laughing, obviously thought it was funny. I didn't know whether to have a quiet word with her, shout at the kid or discreetly shove him in the river. Fortunately the ducks flew off so that problem was solved but the mother will probably wonder why she has ended up with a teenage thug in a few years!

Friday 8 April 2011

Southbourne Crossroads

I was out for a quick walk today, cloudless sky and very warm. I hadn't really paid much attention to this building before, it's very scruffy, the bins lined up in the road don't help. The surfing business has been there for many years, don't know how they survive, it's not what you would call a prime surfing area. The artificial reef the council spent millions on constructing near Boscombe Pier is an embarrassment to say the least.

Thursday 7 April 2011

Work in Progress

Lovely day today so we both decided to get some things done in the garden. You can just see my reflection in the summerhouse as I took a break from painting it. It shows a sort of before and after, didn't realise it had faded so much. Took a quick snap of MZ as she played in her greenhouse, when I showed her the picture she said "Oh good my face is in shadow, don't like my picture being taken"!!

Wednesday 6 April 2011

The Glory of Spring Emerging

So beautiful, this Cherry tree of ours, we are always amazed
at the amount of blossom it produces every year. It's a shame that it doesn't last very long.

Tuesday 5 April 2011

Life's an Itch

I dread to think about what might be living in his beard!!

Monday 4 April 2011

Garden Flora Puzzle

I really like this spectacular shrub, it produces this beautiful red colour at this time of the year, but I haven't the faintest idea what it is called except that when people refer to it, it sounds like Pirrus or Pirius or Pyrous. I can't find it in any of the reference books I have here, any idea, it's driving me nuts and I'm spending far too much time on it!!

Sunday 3 April 2011

Hive of Activity

For Mothering Sunday Ruth invited what she called the orphans to lunch, Gill, Chrissie, Vera and Mo. We all had an excellent meal of course. Afterwards Vera and Mo left and Ruth, Gill and Chrissie embarked on a sewing campaign making gifts to give-----wait for it-----at Christmas to all the folks who come to Hotpots.

Saturday 2 April 2011

Tame Wildlife?

We were just leaving Ashdown Country Park Hotel when we came across some deer grazing, a quick snapshot and some work in photoshop and I finished up with this little piece of artwork.

Friday 1 April 2011

Food, Glorious Food, or not!!

The cupboard, or, in this case, the fridge is not exactly bare but it is a bit boring and shows the result of me being home alone and having to fend for myself! I just about made it but I am so glad to have my girl back with me, she has already been to Tesco's and stocks have been duly replenished! Mind you, I did do a good scavenging job, eating up all sorts of odd stuff and loads of unidentifiable bits and pieces wrapped in cling film and other material. I did have some funny meals though!!